Images from Vision, Lights and Colors the first personal Exhibition of the artist at SPAZIOKAPPA32 Gallery Milano - 2018. 

Since his first exhibition, Marco Raimondo’s artistic journey has evolved through a series of significant milestones. His work has been featured in various solo group exhibitions, as well as highlighted in notable publications. Each initiative represents a step forward in his exploration of the themes central to his practice, serving as key moments in his ongoing dialogue with the art world. Below is a comprehensive list of exhibitions and publications that document the progression of his creative path.

2016 - An artwork highlighted on the Pantone Gallery in Behance and published on the world wide Website Pantone.
2017 - Publication on the digital edition of Magazzino Ripensarte N.4  (4 artwork)
2018 - Solo exhibition Luci Suoni e Colori - Gallery SPAZIOKAPPA32, Milan (25 artwork)      
2019 - Collective exhibition Bianco & Nero - Gallery ROCCART, Florence (3 artwork)
2019 - Collective exhibition  #EMERGING - Gallery M.A.D.S. Digital Gallery, Milan (2 artwork)
2019 - A selected artwork by DAYLIGHTED for a collective digital screening in rolling at: YOOMA Urban Lodge Paris; 32Open Hotel San Francisco; Parisoma San Francisco, NESS D Ocean resort La Reunion.
2019 - 12 selected artwork presented on the website Elena Gollini Art Blogger
2019 - 5 selected artwork presented in the II Edition of Catalogo d’Arte - Elena Gollini Art Blogger
2020 - Solo digital exhibition Digital Projection (20 artwork)
2020 - Publication on the Annuario Artisti20, issued by ArtNow in collaboration with Mondadori Store (3 artwork)
2020 - Publication on ARTLeader Guida all’Investimento, issued by ArtNow (2 artwork)
-  Collective exhibition "La materia del colore" - Gallery Rinascita, Sarnico Italy (2 artwork)
2021 - 1 artwork published on the "100 Best Selected 2021 V. 02" digital edition by Photographize
2021 - 11 artworks published on milanomostre.blog, italian blog on art, photography, design and exhibitions.
2021 - 1 artwork published in "ART NOW" - May/June 2021 Art magazine
- Publication on the Annuario Artisti22, issued by ArtNow in collaboration with Mondadori Store (3 artwork) - included in Museo Crespi section
- Group exhibition "BerScia" - Palazzo Bargani Dandolo - Ardo ( BS ) Italy - ( 6 artworks ). Managed by Solis Gallery Brescia
- Group exhibition "Percorsi Sperimentali" March-April
Castello Casali Pallavicini - 8 artworks presented - managed by art curator Simone Fappanni - Monticelli d'Ognina - Italy
- Gourp exhibition "Confluenze Parallele" Feb-March - ADAFA LAB - 6 artworks presented, managed by art curator Simone Fappanni , Cremona - Italy
2024 - Gourp exhibition "Il Muro del Cambiamento" Noveber - NOIBrera - 1 artwork presented, "La Stecca 3.0" , Milano - Italy                                                                                          

Portfolio and critical review:

2020 - Artist portfolio and critical review by Elena Gollini at https://www.raimondoart.com/blog/portfolio2022 

2022 - critical review on monocromatic portraits by Simone Fappanni: https://www.raimondoart.com/blog/critical-review-on-my-monocromatic-portraits-by-simone-fappanni

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